Monday, 3 April 2017

What heppened if any country ban for using bitcoin

Crypto currency 

a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. 

Watch this video for know more about  crypto currency 

Crypto currency área

There  is no fixed área for any crypto currency . that work everywhere where we access internet services .  because all trasactions based on Blockchain complete by internet . 
Só each country where internet access posible ,can use crypto currency.  .  

             How crypto currency value grow 

Any crypto currency can  made once  in numbers as 
1 ,2,3 ,4.   ...   Any   quantity depand on devoloper choice .
Most of devoloper start  these numbers with 1 million . 
This is fixed quantity só no one  can  plus any single coin after complete all process .  so after completion of crypto making process , dovoloper searching for investors in his/her own coin by different promotional ways . as soon as investors start invest in coin.   'That coin also start growing own value . most of devoloper  try to reach worldwide with own coin for reach high value of coin . 
If any big firm or investors interest to invest then that coin have very good value as on $1m investment .   

        Crypto assets risky/profitable

Invest in crypto currencies always risky because there is no fixed value for any crypto currency where value can stop to go down . that's why most of countries not allowing now for use crypto coins as payment mode as other legal  payment modes .  but invest in crypto currencies also big profitable also . because invest in any coin can give you 100000x profit.  'Yes that's true . that's why everyone taking risk . with any amount that can they afford to loose .

History of bitcoin

Bitcoin is first crypto currency that made by Satoshi nakamoto in 2009 . that time nobody ,know about crypto currency  and no one ready to invest in Bitcoin . as soon as peoples get to know species of this new technology they start to invest low minimum amount (with no hopes for back) . one of the investor invest only $25 that time and today he have millions of dollers . these news make crazy to all peoples and worldwide peoples start to buying Bitcoin . in short period , in 2011 -13 Bitcoin was on own all time high value ($1200) . but in next few years till 2014  that go down under $200.  
That unsurity made large doubts in investor`s mind.  That's why any gov. Fear to accept Bitcoin or any crypto currency  for use publically in local market .

What if any country ban Bitcoin

Modern time is technology time.  So everybody want to use new and new technologies today.  And cryptosystem is one of them . no one can stop to using Bitcoin for  any person worldwide , becasuse all processes made by internet so that's no easy to stop using of Bitcoin . peoples taking risk with own responsiblity by invest in Bitcoin or other crpto currencies .  many countries like China ,India , Russia  tried to ban bitcoin. But unsuccessfull .Whenever many countries like.  USA , France, Japan, Philippines accept Bitcoin for use in local market . 
Actually China and India biggest participants in world economy . big investors from these countries  in share market started to take out own. Money from share market and start to invest in bitcoin thats why these countries  announced to investigation first about Bitcoin before use Bitcoin in own local market .

If any country ban Bitcoin that not big effected on Bitcoin value  because rest 200+ countries refilling investments  of these countries investors . but few growing ciuntries as china , india  can effected less then 50% of value not more . .so if any country ban Bitcoin or other crypto currency it mean that country closing a big income tax source because in near future all payment economy covering by blockchain  services .   ..   
So instead of ban Bitcoin or crypto currencies any government should think about to get use crypto currencies as local currency that Philippines doing .