Social site
The sites where we can communicate called social site as Facebook, whatsap,twitter,instagram, LinkedIn,Google+,tumbler , and many more . these website we using since long time . but we never got paíd any single cent . but now trend changing and few social sites coming with same features as chatting , calling, video calling, audio calling , group chatting , sharing, posting and much more features .and most importante we can get paid for using them . as we do with other social sits . so now we discussing here about these website .
Futurenet is first social media that paying for doing same activities we do on fb . as like ,post,share . here revenue exchange to cash so we can earn here by advertising also lot of features available in this project . most important futyrenet bringing own crypto coin soon . and all future net account holders will get bonus in coins . for create an account Click here for register .
Futurenet business plan Visit here for full plan
Wowapp is massanger app as we using whatsap for video call , audio call. Files sharing . group chatting. Etc. '
These all features available in wowapp . we can get paid for doing same activities we did on whatsapp . and get paid by PayPal, bank wire, gift cards, or you can donate . its very good app for everyone. . Create your free account here. And enjoy social media payments.